



ECM Synchronika浓缩咖啡机


ECM是一个熟练的Synchronika dual-boiler机拥有丰富的创新集中在印象最专业的咖啡师。高质量的组件提供原始力量,美化ECM的自定义样式。

Profitec Pro 500 PID浓缩咖啡机


Profitec Pro 500 PID流控制是一个非常能干的换热器咖啡机,挤满了商业部分,一个安静的振动泵,具备与更昂贵的机器。2022年更新PID控制器与移动拍摄计时器不再隐藏,使其更容易准确地调整温度和时间你的照片为你酿造的过程。

它先前的名声,Izzo Alex二重唱三世半自动咖啡机现在特性的功能升级,使其更加动态选择的咖啡师。同时,这种产消者机器忠于其赢得最初的公式——双重绝缘铜锅炉、PID-controlled e - 61酿造集团和安静旋转泵,性能你可以指望。与前面的模型一样,伊佐亚历克斯二重唱三世可以使用水库或直接跌入水线。

在15 amp和20安培版本可用。请选择适当的模型出口类型。


    • 重新设计滴盘,现在罐头能力(包括排水设备)

    • 不锈钢阀体与优雅的曲线造型

    • 强化了前面板增加耐用性

    • 人体工程学portafilter,易于流动的角度



有两个锅炉的另一个好处是能够关掉一个不活动的锅炉节约用电。如果你只是酝酿和不需要蒸汽或泡沫,Izzo Alex二重唱III会允许你关掉蒸汽锅炉,反之亦然。蒸汽锅炉有1200瓦的加热元件和酿造锅炉是由一个800瓦的元素。


    • e - 61酿造:商用e - 61酿造集团擅长优越的浓缩咖啡萃取的温度调节。该模型还包括自动pre-infusion最大化喝味道和香味的。热虹吸设计稳定啤酒集团的温度不活跃时期。

    • 58毫米的镀铬黄铜portafilter有两个过滤器篮子,为单身,双份浓缩咖啡,反冲盘。

    • 我家Bi-pass阀&杆控制:像亚历克斯II,这个模型包含了一个用户友好的起始和杆设计,一旦你结束拍摄,通过三通阀压力将被释放,留给你一个干燥的冰球,便于处理。

    • Gicar proportional-integral-derivative控制器(PID控制器):高级Gicar PID允许您调整锅炉温度微调蒸和提取结果。

    • 水库有慷慨的2.4升容量和一个集成传感器,关掉机器如果水位太低,以防止干燥沸腾。该模型也可以直接跌入到水源。包括一个不锈钢编织水线。

    • 机器操作生成最小的噪音,多亏了专业级回转泵。

    • 魔杖的蒸汽和热水喷嘴可以根据需要旋转和特性不会烧心设计安全操作。蒸汽棒杆设计创造后顾之忧的microfoam。

    • 两个压力计,(压力表),一个用于蒸汽,另一个用于酿酒集团

    • 真空断路器阀,将蒸汽回到水箱

    • 一年制造商保修涵盖部分和劳动



    • 宽度:14¼”

    • 深度:17¼”

    • 高度:16½杯铁路

    • 篮子尺寸:58毫米

    • 锅炉锅炉Capacitities: Seam - 1.8 L .酿造锅炉- 0.08 L。

    • 水库:2.4升容量;选择垂直机器直接水线

    • 电压:110 v

    • 净重:72磅



Please select the appropriate model for your outlet type.

New Features

    • Redesigned drip tray, now with a 32-ounce capacity (includes drain kit)

    • Stainless steel body with elegant curved styling

    • Reinforced front panel for increased durability

    • Ergonomic portafilter, angled for ease of mobility

Dual Boiler System

This prosumer model has dual insulated copper boilers for top-of-the-line performance. The dedicated brew and steam boilers are both PID controlled, adjustable by one degree Fahrenheit at a time. The autonomous nature of the boilers allows them to maintain different brewing and steaming temperatures, if need be.

An added benefit of having two boilers is the ability to switch an inactive boiler off to conserve power. If you’re simply brewing and do not need to steam or froth, the Izzo Alex Duetto III will actually allow you to turn the steam boiler off and vice versa. The steam boiler has a 1200-watt heating element and the brew boiler is served by a 800-watt element.

Machine Highlights

    • E-61 Brew Head: The commercial-grade E-61 brew group excels at temperature regulation for superior espresso extraction. This model also features automatic pre-infusion to maximize drink flavor and aroma. A thermal siphon design stabilizes the brew group's temperature during periods of inactivity.

    • 58 mm chrome-plated brass portafilter with two filter baskets, for single and double-shot espressos, as well a disc for backflushing.

    • 3-Way Bi-pass Valve & Lever Control: Like the Alex II, this model incorporates a user-friendly lever design for shot initiation and, once you end the shot, pressure will be released via the three-way valve, leaving you with a dry puck for easy disposal.

    • Gicar proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller): The advanced Gicar PID lets you adjust boiler temperatures to fine-tune steaming and extraction results.

    • The water reservoir has a generous 2.4-liter capacity and an integrated sensor that will switch the machine off if water levels are too low to prevent a dry boil. This model can also be plumbed directly to a water source. A stainless steel braided water-line is included.

    • Machine operations generate minimal noise, thanks to the professional-grade rotary pump.

    • Both the steam wand and hot water nozzle can be swiveled as needed and feature no-burn designs for safe operation. The steam wand has a four-hole design to create hassle-free microfoam.

    • Two manometers, (pressure gauges), one for steam and the other for the brew group

    • Vacuum breaker valve that diverts steam back to water tank

    • One year manufacturer's warranty covers parts and labor

Machine Highlights

Dimensions and Specifications

    • Width: 14 ¼”

    • Depth: 17 ¼”

    • Height : 16 ½” with cup rail

    • Basket Size: 58 mm

    • Boiler Capacitities: Seam Boiler - 1.8 L. Brew Boiler - 0.08 L.

    • Water Reservoir: 2.4-liter capacity; option to plumb machine directly to water line

    • Voltage: 110V

    • Net Weight: 72lbs