Bezzera Unica是崎岖的浓缩咖啡机与一个旧世界的性格,真的爱咖啡的人。Unica的突出的特点是它的PID。PID控制器温和派锅炉温度蒸和酝酿,给Unica的温度稳定性和修补的能力对于那些想要一个更微妙的提取从专业咖啡。
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The Bezzera Unica is a rugged espresso machine with an old-world personality that speaks to people who really love espresso. The standout feature of the Unica is its PID. The PID controller moderates the boiler temperature for both steaming and brewing, giving the Unica great temperature stability and the ability to tinker for anyone who wants a more nuanced extraction from specialty coffee.
Now, it's important to keep in mind that this is a single boiler machine, which means the Unica uses a single boiler for brewing and steaming. A little extra patience is required when switching from brewing to steaming while the boiler heats up. With that said, the Unica is well-built with a 3-way solenoid valve, a vibration pump, and the iconic E61 group head made of chrome-plated brass. The machine comes with a multi-directional steam wand with a joystick control and a two-hole steam tip, as well.
What we first noticed about the Unica is its simple, compact design. At about 10 inches wide, in can fit in just about any space. Plus, the Unica can heat up quickly because of its single 0.5 copper boiler, which means you can get your morning coffee a lot sooner than with other machines. Do note that the Unica’s boiler does have to be manually refilled after steaming over 20 ounces of milk, which can be done by flipping the “P” switch to refill the boiler. The Unica is really designed for those who are looking for an espresso machine that has a fine setup and pulls quality shots.