Baratza Sette 270 w锥形毛刺磨床




Baratza Sette 270 wi咖啡研磨机


超级智能Sette 270 Wi Baratza功能集成Acaia规模非常准确的体重依赖型剂量直接研磨成portafilter或船的需求。调整磨270设置、程序三个重量预设,容易磨的酿造方法与这个革命性的毛刺磨床。

的Baratza Sette 270 w锥形毛刺磨床被授予最佳新产品SCAA 2016年世博会在消费咖啡或茶准备和服务设备。这个革命性的锥形毛刺磨床设计并完善在列支敦士登的8年。结合创新等功能模块化portafilter持有人、精密时间、外磨旋转和毛刺机制,Sette 270套新标准高速、精密磨削。

配备了高力矩电机和齿轮减速箱19:1,grinder几乎是两倍其他家研磨机包括Baratza福特以最小的保留。Sette 270 w是一个独特的,体重依赖型剂量的标准Sette 270和配备Acaia规模技术基于可编程重量磨20毫秒的响应时间和准确性在差不多一克。Baratza还直接与Acaia从磨开发蓝牙应用跟踪数据会话来实现更准确的结果。

尺寸:9.48 \ W x 15.87“D x 5.11 H



配备一个集成Acaia规模、Sette 270 w专门从事精密重量计量为基础,允许用户直接到portafilter磨重量。Baratza也与Acaia开发蓝牙应用程序,允许您监视、记录和跟踪你的研磨与特定的数据对你的重量和设置。




在Liechenstein制造,40毫米锥形毛刺允许Sette实现磨削速度从3.5 g - 5.5 g /秒。基于设置。毛刺产生均匀研磨粒子高一致性和缺乏罚款所有磨设置。锥形毛刺是由耐用的钢和仍将大幅很多年了。独特设计的机制还允许精密磨对齐,确保精密磨削。






磨调整是由macro-adjust 30了设置和无级调速的微调与9指标;这种调整的独特组合允许容易和准确的拨号完美的咖啡。磨调整机制是直接连接到锥形毛刺立即调整。


Baratza Sette 270 w增添了更多的通过设计模块化设备持有者可以调整以适应portafilters,酿造设备,和其他容器。只是媒体的武器和转向调整定位。宽配置可以轻松的一些最受欢迎的酿酒商包括住Hario沥干架,聪明,能通力,甚至一个Aeropress。为portafilters配置时,有一个集成的钩磨削时的稳定性。

包括与每个Sette 270 w是一个理由本由防静电塑料、成型槽很容易把你的理由到你的咖啡壶或酿造设备。




为了帮助您酿造最好的咖啡,Sette 270 w的独特设计最大限度地减少保留。毛边的直通路径分配直接到portafilter咖啡,啤酒酿造设备,或依据本。


无论你如何准备你的咖啡,Sette 270 w能磨的酿造方法从咖啡到法国媒体。


一个强大的、高扭矩直流电机驱动Sette 270 w。防止损坏过热,电路配有高温隔热挡板开关,自动重置。





Weight: 7lbs

Weight Based Dosing

Equipped with an integrated Acaia scale, the Sette 270W specializes in precision weight based dosing, allowing users to grind by weight directly into a portafilter. Baratza has also partnered with Acaia to develop a Bluetooth app that allows you to monitor, log, and track your grinding sessions with specific data about your weights and settings.

19:1 Gear Reduction

Outfitted with a combination planetary gear box and a patented crown gear drive system, the Sette achieves a 19:1 speed reduction.

40mm Steel Burrs

Manufactured in Liechenstein, the 40mm conical burrs allow the Sette to achieve grinding speeds from 3.5g - 5.5g/sec. based on the setting. The burrs produce a uniform grind with high particle consistency and a lack of fines across all grind settings. The conical burrs are made from durable steel and will remain sharp for many years. The uniquely designed mechanism also allows for precision burr alignment to ensure accurate grinding.

Integrated Acaia Scale

The integrated Acaia scale raises the bar for all coffee grinders, providing blindingly fast 20ms response time with sensitivity accurate to 1/10th of a gram.

Backlit LED Panel

Mounted on the front of the grinder, the LED display allows for intuitive operation. There are three programmable buttons that can be timed within 0.1 seconds. Simply press the start button to initiate precisely dosed grinding.

Grind Adjustment

Grind adjustment is handled by a macro-adjust of 30 stepped settings and a stepless micro-adjust with 9 indicators; this unique combination of adjustments allows for easy and accurate dialing of perfect espresso. The grind adjustment mechanism is directly connected to the cone burr for immediate grind adjustment.

Convertible Device Holder

Baratza has upped the ante with the Sette 270W by designing a modular device holder that can be adjusted to fit both portafilters, brewing devices, and other containers. Simply press in one of the arms and turn to adjust positioning. The wide configuration can comfortably hold some of the most popular brewers including Hario drippers, the Clever, Able Kones, and even an Aeropress. When configured for portafilters, there is an integrated hook for stability while grinding.

Included with each Sette 270W is a grounds bin made from anti-static plastic, with a molded spout to easily pour your grounds into your coffee maker or brewing device.


The hopper holds approximately 275g or 9.7oz of whole bean coffee. For hassle-free removal when cleaning your grinder or changing out beans, the collar is fitted with Baratza's innovative "hopper stopper" which shuts off the flow of beans.

Minimal Retention

To help you brew the best coffee possible, the Sette 270W's unique design minimizes grounds retention. The straight-through path from the burrs dispenses coffee directly into your portafilter, brewing device, or grounds bin.

Brewing Methods

No matter how you prepare your coffee, the Sette 270W is capable of grinding for all brewing methods ranging from espresso to French press.


A powerful, high torque DC motor drives the Sette 270W. To prevent damage from overheating, the circuitry is equipped with a high-limit thermal cutoff switch that automatically resets.

Small Footprint

At under 15" tall, the Sette fits nicely under most standard kitchen cabinets.
